Tall women dating short men is always an intriguing topic. On the tall dating site,www.matchtall.com, a tall woman posted a question to other tall women: She’s attracted to a 5-6 man. She stands 6-4.Wow! Should this woman go for it? Apparently, this very tall woman is seeing things from a relative standpoint. I’m sure if she were 5-4, this short man would still look exactly the same.
Perhaps she’s worried what other people will think.
Some tall women complain more about getting back pain from hunching over for hugs and kissing a short man. Another issue tall women have with dating short men is that they don’t feel “protected” by them.
This is where I bring up the Bruce Lee/Kramer comparison. Goofball klutz Kramer from the TV show, “Seinfeld,” is 6-3. If you’re a very tall women, whom would you rather accompany you through a dark alley? A tall Kramer-type man? Or a Bruce Lee-type who’s only 5-7? Or actually, what about a Fonzie type? Remember Fonzie from the TV show “Happy Days”? He was only 5-6, but nobody dared look at him cross.
I believe, though I could be wrong, that the primary reason that very tall women don’t like dating short men is that they’ll worry about being stared at; looking funny holding hands with a short man; what other people will think. I hardly believe it’s because of back pain from hunching over. After all, men don’t exactly report back pain from bending over to kiss and hug their short girlfriends. Also, snuggling on a sofa would eliminate the height disparity between tall women and short men.
If this 6-4 tall woman
is attracted to the 5-6 man, she should go for it; though I, personally, am drawn only to men around 6-2. But I’m also convinced I’d feel the same way if I were much shorter than my 5-8. In fact, if I were 6-4, then 6-2 in a man would still be the ideal height for me, maybe 6-3.
Now, what about medium height women dating short men? What about a 5-7 woman dating a 5-3 man? Just the other day, I saw what appeared to be a 5-5 woman with a 5-3 man. How is this any different than a 6-1 woman with a 5-11 man? Yet many very tall women just cannot grasp the idea of dating any man who’s not taller. But if this same woman were only 5-5, would she feel the same about dating a 5-3 man?
As for feeling “protected,” I’d be curious to know who finds it easier to haul out the heavy garbage bags: That 5-6 man who naturally has much more testosterone than his very tall girlfriend, or…his very tall girlfriend of 6-4?
As a personal trainer,
I will tell you right now that there is NO RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEIGHT AND MUSCULAR STRENGTH. Visit any gym and this is clear. In fact, it’s often the opposite; the short guys are usually the ones lifting butt-loads of weight. And the very tall men? They are lanky and can barely bench press 135 pounds.
If you’re a very tall woman who’s attracted to a short man, give it a try and stop worrying what other people think. Because the minute you get caught up with what other people think of you, you rank yourself below them in priority. And I think your parents raised you to have more self-worth than that.
I've always been attracted to taller women, it's just hard to find them! I'm 5'11", I prefer a woman my height or taller, being hugged by a taller woman actually makes me feel more desired when I can place my face on her shoulder!